Saturday, August 26, 2006

Faces from below

NO TITLE yet but more faces are begining to emerge from the back ground swirl. As I see things I sketch them in chalk to see if that mass really wants to evolve. I thought I saw and arm and sketched it with chalk, but I don't know if I like it. This painting is getting hotter with only a few cool colours popping through to half separate images. Some viewers have asked if the figures were falling or emerging. I think a bit of both.

In the bottom three faces are begining to come forth. All women, all with questioning expressions. What are they questioning? What are they searching for? What are they reaching for? I don'y knoe yet. Guess maybe we'll figure it out when the painting is all done. True exploration and beauty in creation takes time. I am taking my time. Remeber... It's about the process!

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